Saturday 10 March 2012

One for the parents

How many years has it been? 23 today,
“Amazing” “Awesome” ”Oh my gosh”, the Americans would say,
People may feel the years went by like a breeze,
Practically speaking, they don’t pass with ease.
You’ve enjoyed the ups and borne with the downs,
And during times sad, been each other’s clowns.
No matrimonial site can find such a perfect match, ever,
No Nazi experiment could create kids so clever ;)
In all these years, not once has the romance dimmed,
Voices have been raised, but love has only brimmed,
Early in this journey, entered yours truly,
Root of nine years later came along a tyrant, unruly,
Seriously though, my brother and I are truly blessed,
At this point, my rhyme shall not be messed,
Rhymes are all I can gift, till I earn and pay my own bill,
Yours forever, your unspoilt, young Nikhil.

P.S: if you haven’t observed already, the first letters from every line , when read downwards form a phrase .


  1. i could totally relate to parent's 23rd anniversary was a few days ago..and loved ur style and creativity! "happy anniversary" written downwards! :)

    1. Thanks anubhuti :) , always a pleasure when one's readers can relate to one's piece .

  2. Hahaha.. This is a far more productive use of the 'Hidden Vertical Phrase' technique, than I've ever used it for. Nice one bro. :)

    Wish mum and dad from my side.

    1. Haha...true that ronnie boy... well.. I *have* used this particular style to score some brownie points in the past...but this is way more ...fulfilling/satisfying ..

  3. Thanks mate, glad you liked it

  4. Voices have been raised, but love has only brimmed...Suuweeet! Humorous and sweet! :D Unspoilt? Eh?

  5. Its beautiful... and the first letter from every line forming a phrase is remarkable...
